I don’t understand the sweaty D

For those of you who don’t know, I work a job with some nuts hours, and this weekend was no different. I worked overnight Saturday and had to pick up my dad from the airport at 1230 (and they failed to tell me that his flight was delayed for an hour). Needless to say, my knowledge of what went on this weekend is a little scattered, at best. Nevertheless, there was a lot that went on this weekend.

The first games on locally were the type that made me feel OK that I had to go to the airport to pick up relatives. Tampa versus Detroit was an all right game, but Tampa completely dominated Detroit in every bit that I saw. Of course, every time I flipped to see what else was on, they would do something asinine. Detroit won, and John Kitna may be proven right after all. Although Calvin Johnson is as amazing as I had been told.

The other game in the early session was the Patriots playing the Dolphins. I really lack anything to say about this game, so I thought I would comment on this commercial:[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FTBa31x3aw]

If you’re sitting in an empty stadium with three buddies just to watch Chad Johnson (and only Chad Johnson) practice, you shouldn’t still have enough shame that you are worried about your sweaty pits.

Before the Vikings game started, I was enraptured by the Titans-Texans game, not because I was watching it (I couldn’t due to league rules) but by the CBS studio crew. They were watching the end of the game, and America was watching them watch the game. It was fantastic. Bill Cowher was smiling happily the entire time, Dan Marino couldn’t have cared less, Shannon Sharpe spit out various unfunny one-liners and Boomer Esiason tried to give continuing analysis on the art of the onside kick. It was gripping television. Cowher is my new favorite studio guy, because after watching that segment, it’s very obvious that even though he retired, he still just loves football with a childlike enthusiasm.

Speaking of childlike enthusiasm, when I was a youngster, I had a pair of books written for a younger set about great players and world champions, so even though I was born in 1983, I knew all about the Steel Curtain and Earl Campbell and Tony Dorsett. I was the only 9 year old in 1992 who longed to watch Dorsett in action. He had even had the longest run from scrimmage against the hometown team (with whom I’ve severed all ties, in case you forgot). So, it’s stuff like that that leads me to appreciate football, and makes every game have the potential to be very exciting. So, when Dallas and Minnesota took the field, there was the potential for something exciting to happen. It didn’t.

Sunday night was my first chance to watch the Steelers in action, and frankly, they are the same as usual. But even more the same is the Broncos. They haven’t had a distinguishable player since Elway. The Quarterbacks are always talented and underperforming. Running backs are quick but powerful and always married to the system. Receivers are good route runners. It’s the same every year. It’s successful though, so good for you Denver. Things are going your way. (By the way, Mike Tomlin just looks like a badass on the sideline,)

The Indianapolis Colts aren’t making too much noise, even though they are blowing through the AFC South like elephants drunk on rice beer.

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