I hate bunts

I hate bunts

Beth has definitely been an asset to the site since she’s been around, and I agree with almost everything she has had to say, (unlike, say, Steve). That said, there was only one thing about yesterday’s post that I agree with: That we should move on.
But I can’t. I HATE bunting with every fiber of my being. My dander was raised even more by the situation with which the now infamous Joe Mauer bunt occurred.
First, my reason for hating bunting. The most notable is the statistical disadvantage that even a successful sacrifice bunt puts you in. Let’s take last nights situation, where there was a .250 hitter that was batting ahead of someone who is slightly better than a .250. If both had taken their full at bats, they would have each had a 1/4 chance (roughly) at getting a hit. Had Mauer hit into a double play, then by bad luck, they will have only had 1 chance to get a hit. With the bunt, they reduced their chances to 1 by choice. I see no way in which this makes sense.
Now, a few points specifically about the Mauer incident.
– When was the last time he bunted? How did he feel comfortable “bunting for a hit” if he hasn’t bunted at all in a live game in a year?
– The primary reason that someone hitting .300 for the season would have 17 GIDPs is because he frequently has runners on base in front of him. Why not point out the fact that he has 41 hits with men on? 39RBI? Why are we going with the defeatist “at least it wasn’t a double play!” attitude? It’s disgusting and sad.
– What does this say about Mauer’s confidence? He wasn’t willing to even TRY to get a hit the traditional way in a critical juncture in a game against a team the Twins should handily defeat. It will indeed be interesting to see how he does in future spots like this. Is his contract getting to him? Is he feeling the pressure, scuffling with all those dollars backing him?
Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, I think that I am officially ready to move on. Hey, he hit a home run tonight!

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