I Like This Contest

I Like This Contest

These details were posted to the Sens facebook page yesterday:

Sens Army, we want your help to select a new goal song for the Ottawa Senators. We want your suggestions for an up-beat, energetic, and interactive song that will bring fans to their feet and kick off the celebration every time the Sens score a goal at home. Just fill out the form below and we’ll pick the best ones and put it to a vote.

Now I am definetely one to co-opt a stereo and foist my tunes on the party, so you can see how this would appeal to me (plus democracy is always nice). Although the implications of this voting appear to be a little hazy, like ’95 referendum hazy. They are asking for “suggestions” which will then be narrowed down somehow and “put to a vote”. Doesn’t sound binding to me. Let’s just hope all those exercisng their internet rights have good taste, otherwise I’m trusting there exists a benevolent dictator within the organization wise enough to override a populist wave for “BOOM” by P.O.D.

If the Sens have had a trademark goal song the past few years it doesn’t spring to mind. Since the rebirth of the organization, t used to exclusively be Trooper’s “Raise A Little Hell” but at some point shortly after moving to ScotiaBank Place, they ditched that track. Instead players have chosen their own; your U2 for Alfie, your Van Halen for Foligno, your Big N’ Rich for Phillips and your P.O.D. “Boom” for Kuba (it’s true!). Whether this new fan chosen tune will replace or compliment that old format remains to be seen.

I think we can all agree originality is important here, so those pining for “Rock and Rock Part 2” best move to Detroit, or San Jose, or Nashville, or New Jersey or Tampa Bay…etc. As for something more current, “Chelsea Dagger” is the song many a rink DJ have lifted from the United Center. No more of this please, the Hawks own that song full stop. The only other time another rink should be playing it is when they’re trolling Vancouver. There will surely be some support to go back to Blur ‘Song 2″ (the default song on the facebook form). I’m all for the old 2D jerseys and our Brass Bonanza the Senators Theme but we don’t need to yoo-hoo again.

My song suggestion is one I can guarantee won’t win out but I’m going to make a case for it anyway. Feel free to layer goal horn for maximum effect…


1. The Modern Lovers are great.
2. This song is fun!
3. It’s a tongue-in-cheek nod to Ottawa, a place where we all work at the Government Center to “rock-a rock-a rock-a nonstop tonight”.

At the very least I’d love to hear it played as people are filing out of SBP after a home win.

Here are a few more I”ll throw into the ring…


That last one a nod to the incoming Swedish contingent. And yes Montell Jordan, seriously. Looking forward to seeing what song(s) you think would be apt in the comments and if you want to formally make a submission, just follow this link.

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