I may be out of commission for a while….

I may be out of commission for a while.... 
 This is Shenzhen, China. It’s population is 8.6 million people, and is a strong financial center in southern China. It has strong ties to Hong Kong. It’s very hot there, so the 8.6 million residents like to stay indoors, on their computers. While there, they enjoy hacking into American websites and installing malignant code, smashing Precious Moments knickknacks and f*king goats. 
At least one of the residents likes that. You see, I tracked the Victoria-Weather hacker to Shenzhen. In order to get the site back, Steve, V-W meteorologist Anthony and myself have to go to Shenzhen and torture this man after navigating through his gang of kung fu masters in order to get him to undo what he has done, and teach him a lesson. That lesson? Multiplication tables. And don’t mess with Victoria Weather LLC. I just hope we don’t catch him mid-goat f*k. 
So, unfortunately for you, the reader, my next few days will consist of international espionage, hand to hand combat and pithy one liners with my Chinese nemesis. (Another victory…. for Victoria)
Either that or I am going to be doing extensive surgery on the Victoria-Weather site to get it back in working order. I would apologize, but it’s Shenzhen’s fault.
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