Manny is a space cadet, space shot, clown, buffoon, attention hog…. the list goes on. That list also includes one of the greatest hitters and run producers of all time, (who also happens to be much better defensively than most will admit, blooper reels notwithstanding.) He’s “growing older, but not up.” He’s out there, for sure. He’s shot from the lip, and he’s made mistakes, as we all do. And he got hit with a 5-figure tab (not 6, as some tabloid journalist alleged) among other restitutions for his most recent mistake.
It seems like writers are trying to make him out to be Boston’s A-Rod. He’s a family man, not a philanderer. (That you have a child does not automatically make you a ‘family man.’ Not when you’re hanging out with strippers and such, instead of your wife and child’s mother.) He may not end his career with as many home runs as A-Rod, but I’m much happier with Lowell and Manny playing the left side rather than A-Rod and Damon.
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