I Wish I Were Blind – (The AngelsWin.com dance remix version)

I Wish I Were Blind - (The AngelsWin.com dance remix version)

By Glen McKee, AngelsWin.com Staff Writer – 
So I’m sitting here “watching” the Angels lose to the Astros one more time.  I’m at work so the watching is via ESPN’s gamecast, about the only thing ESPN does well anymore (unless they want to advertise onangelswin.com, in which case everything about ESPN is aces!).  Since I don’t have a broadcast to listen to I have some music on, and I’m listening to some Bruce Springsteen.  After the Astros just scored their sixth run – effectively putting the game out of reach at 6-2, even though it was already done at 4-2 – there was a moment of serendipity as the beautiful song “I Wish I Were Blind” came on.  It perfectly fits how I feel about the team right now, with the memory of the eight-game winning streak already vanishing like the memory of the last time Albert Pujols ran without looking like a penguin.  Click on the YouTube video below, enjoy the song, and read along to my lyrics that have been changed to be Angels-centric…
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNJA3jCeAR8]

I love to see the start of baseball

In the early spring

I love to see the message of hope

The new season brings

But when I see the Angels fold

Against the Houston Astros

I wish I were blind

When I see this team play ball

I love to see Mike Trout hit a  

Single that gets him to third

I love to watch the ball leave the park

Off Mark Trumbo’s bat

Then I see, yet another

Botched hit and run play kill a rally

And I wish I were blind

When I watch this team play ball

This team struggles against all the worst pitchers

And their bats that once score more than five runs

Can barely get two

And the joy I once got from watching them play

Is banished from me

And a dismal team, is all baby that my heart sees

And though this team is staffed

With players like Pujols and Josh Hamilton

Oh I wish I were blind

When I see this team play ball

This team struggles against just about every pitcher

Every two run defecit they face

Feels more like ten

And the joy I once got from watching them play

Is banished from me

And a dismal team, is all baby that my heart sees

And though we have Mike Trout, and maybe one or two other players

I still like to watch

Oh I wish I were blind

When I see this team play ball
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