If I Ever Turn Into A Superhero, I Want My Name To Be Master X (I Thought Of That Before Xavier Nady Decided To Be Awesome)

If I Ever Turn Into A Superhero, I Want My Name To Be Master X (I Thought Of That Before Xavier Nady Decided To Be Awesome)

this picture captures xavier nady, hitting his second homer of the season. the big x leads the bigs with 2 homers, as a pointed out a bit earlier. the pirates won, 3-2, and x-man nady has been gving the astros some problems this (3 day old) season. snell threw 11 strikeouts, and was able to keep the pirates close enough so that nady could come through in the clutch again. im going to expect this out of nady every night, now.

“It’s just one of those things,” said Nady, who has knocked in a run with each
of his three hits in the series
. “It’s still early and I’m just trying to give
quality at-bats.”


the pens lost. they got spanked, actually, by the now-clinched, eastern conference regular season champion buffalo sabres, 4-1. and the devils won, so the atlantic crown might be out of the picture now. nj needs one point in thir last two games to clinch the atlantic. brodeur tied bernie parent’s season-wins record with his 47th victory. that is impressive. pens had 8 power play chances, and missed on every one. ryan whitney, the teams 5th leading scorer and anchor on the first power-play line was held out of the game for precautionary reasons (resting a sore groin. but if this was madden 2005, it would be for elbow bursitis). clearly, the pens need whitney for playoff success. ill take a loss now, and a healthy whitney later. recchi scored the only goal for the pens, and his first in his last 20 games. breaking out of that slump might be good for the pens come playoff time. pens play tomorrow in ottawa.
when i find a sweet-enough mini pony, ill get it to you.
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