If It’s Up To Us… Then So Be It

kevin garnett and the fans

Fans always refer to their teams in inclusive terms.

"We can't win on the road." 
"We'll get them in Game 5"
"Our offense can look so bad some times"

We've seen the Celtics suck on the road.  We've heard them say how much they're affected by the crowd.  So I say forget all the going nuts over who sucked in game 3 or game 4.  Forget getting pissed about rotation this and rotation that.  The Celtics have home court advantage… which means it's up to US to get the job done.

It's up to us to make a ton of noise during the intros.  It's up to us to chant "DE-FENSE" or "Let's Go Cel-tics (clap, clap, clap clap clap) without being prompted by the jumbotron or Lucky.  If these guys need us to help them out… then dammit… lets help them out.  Don't be discouraged by Cleveland's made baskets.  Don't clam up after a 6-0 run.  The team clearly feeds off us… so lets feed them like a fat guy at a buffet.

We can debate whether their dependence on the crowd is a shortfall later.  All I know is… they clearly need us… and if we win… we can all take heart in knowing we helped them win it all.  And then there's this:  After seeing the Pats win on neutral sites and the Red Sox win it on the road twice… won't it be great to celebrate a championship on the streets of Boston?

The only thing I wonder is… how the hell are they going to get ALL of us on a duck boat?

Herald:  Celtics need trust  |  C's need KG down low  |  Pierce feels the urgency  |  Doc's House hunting  |  Pierce defend's LeBron's mom  |  Game 5 on the road nothing new for LeBron  |  Globe:  Road woes leave C's at a loss  |  Big travel plans  |  Pierce not bothered by LeBron's mom  |  Camerato:  "Big Shot Boobie" keys Cavs win  |  Plain Dealer:  Hoop looks tighter in Boston  |  Cavs looking to pave road to glory  |  T&G: C's plight hitting home  |  Eagle Tribune:  Local scout says time for Pierce to step up 

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