If you can read this, you’re not from an SEC state

UPDATE – Please read this post c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y…it discusses the educational systems of each state, and how well the states educate (or don’t educate) their young minds.  It has deep meaning that could possibly explain the stupid, inbred minds which are unable to comprehend simple matters (in other words, southerners).  If you are a fan of the SEC, have somebody read it to you.  Big words are tough.


Going slightly off-topic, but then again, it’s pretty much right on key with The BBC.

This morning, the United States Chamber of Commerce released their findings on the effectiveness of education in each of our glorious states.  They graded each state on several topics related to the respective states’ educational system.

Buckeye fans, show some pride….our state got a “B”.  As for the rest of the country, let’s go to the chart;

If you can read this, you're not from an SEC

Click on the image for a larger view.

Now, how did the Big Ten states do in comparison to states which hold SEC schools???


Minnesota – Minnesota (Big Ten)


Ohio – Ohio State (Big Ten)

Iowa – Iowa (Big Ten)

Wisconsin – Wisconsin (Big Ten)

Pennsylvania – Penn State (Big Ten)


Illinois – Illinois (Big Ten)

Illinois – Northwestern (Big Ten)

Indiana – Indiana (Big Ten)

Indiana – Purdue (Big Ten)

Michigan – Michigan State (Big Ten)

Michigan – Michigan (Big Ten)


Kentucky – Kentucky (SEC)

Tennessee – Tennessee (SEC)

Tennessee – Vanderbilt (SEC)

South Carolina – South Carolina (SEC)

Georgia – Georgia (SEC)

Florida – Florida (SEC)

Arkansas – Arkansas (SEC)


Louisiana – LSU (SEC)

Mississippi – Mississippi State (SEC)

Mississippi – Ole Miss (SEC)

Alabama – Alabama (SEC)

Alabama – Auburn (SEC)

No further comment is necessary at this point, is it???

OK, one more comment, if you have a friend who is a fan of the SEC, please send this to them.  But when you send it to them, do one of the following.

  • A) Call them after you send it to them, so you can read the bigger words to them and they’ll understand it better
  • B) Send it to them through the link called “Redneck Translator” so it’s written in their native language

Yes, I believe we now have scientific proof that the SEC is indeed filled with southern inbred morons who can’t read or write up to the speed of an average American citizen.  The United States Chamber Of Commerce has given us that proof.

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