I’ll See Your Fisk and Raise You a Dave Roberts

The Rays Index thinks they have found a clever little way to blow some sunshine up the arses of their remaining fans that have not fallen off of the bandwagon:

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Friday, October 17, 2008

[SOX ON LIFE-SUPPORT]Boston Writer Summons Ghost Of Carlton Fisk, Renders Death Inevitable For Red Sox

OK, we have one link to help RAYSHEADS put everything back into perspective…

Steve Buckley of the Boston Herald says the Red Sox were dead and came back to life and compares last night’s Red Sox win to game 6 of the 1975 World Series by summoning the ghost of Carlton Fisk.

Yet the fact remains: The Red Sox were dead, and dead teams are not supposed to wake up. It is scientifically impossible. You’re dead, you’re dead. Then again, if dead teams did not awaken, we would not have Bobby Thomson and Carlton Fisk and all that.

Somebody needs to remind Buckley that the Red Sox lost game 7 of the 1975 World Series.

Teams can come back to life. It is a thing we like to call “life-support”. But eventually the plug must be pulled.

Apparently the folks at Rays Index seem to be forgetting about 2004. The Red Sox did win the next night, and the 3 after that, and then the next four to win the World Series. Before they start thinking that Beckett is done they need to remember how bad Schilling pitched in his first start of the 2004 ALCS. Also know that in 3 innings last night, Papi, Crisp, and Drew all broke out of their slumps. The monstah is alive and cannot be stopped.
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