I’m confused by Francisco Liriano

I'm confused by Francisco Liriano
All right, Francisco, we get it. You have otherworldly talent that you think is being wasted in the minor leagues. Understandable. You were phenomenal a couple years back before your arm fell off. It’s taken a while to get it reattached, and at the beginning of this season you had some lingering arm-falling-off rust. You seem to be shaking off that rust and tearing up Triple A at this point. Good for you. The thing is though, the starting pitchers on the roster are doing pretty OK.
Of the young starters, Kevin Slowey has the lowest ERA at 4.26 which is hardly objectionable. The one stinker in the bunch is Livan Hernandez, but there is some value in veteran leadership. The best spot for you on the current roster is in the bullpen, but I suspect you wouldn’t like that much either. Can you play third base?
Also, the Twins aren’t about to succumb to your whininess and screw over another of their prospects who has posted an ERA better than 11.32 in the bigs this year. That would mean the starter, the one who has struggled, that we would want to get rid of is Livan. Side note to agent Greg Genske: Livan is also your client. How does he feel about this grievance you’re filing? Who else do you want the Twins to dump in order to get Liriano in the bigs?
I guess what I’m trying to say is, there isn’t some sort of organizational conspiracy to keep Liriano in Rochester. Just do a better job of keeping your arm attached and soon your time will come.

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