We've been hearing for… what… 8 months now for Marquis Daniels to officially sign with the Celtics and go through the obligatory meet-and-greet. Well, I'm sick of waiting. I'm doing the Marquis Daniels introductory news conference… with or with out him.

Danny Ainge: Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm happy to introduce today, the man you've all been waiting for… literally. So without further ado, let's introduce Marquis Daniels… and open the floor to questions. Yes, you.

Garnett: You'd better be… or I'll bite your face off.
(Everyone laughs)
Pierce: You know… he ain't kidding. Why do you think we haven't seen Mikki Moore since the season ended?
(Doc laughs)
Doc: Oh yeah…. wow… you really messed him up. It took two weeks to clean up all the blood.
Daniels: Uhhhh….
Garnett: Just win a ring… and we're cool. (laughs maniacally)
And so it continued for an hour. Afterwards, the newspaper writers crowded around John and Chuck, handed over resumes, and said things like "Please rescue us from this dying medium."
I'm pretty sure that's exactly how it will go. For those of you wondering how a trade for Big Baby will go, check out CelticsBlog's breakdown of why Big Baby is difficult to trade because he's a base year compensation guy. Also out there, the Hornets signed Ike Diogu. Detroit News is praising an unorthodox Rasheed Wallace. Dee Brown is coaching Springfield's D-League team.
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