Impressive Linguistic Talents

Listen up class, it’s time to recognize the very best in reader participation from the past week.

Gold Star

Ryan on The Daily Sniper: Saturday Night Madness

“Nice… Wild beat the BJs. Heretofore, I believed that NOTHING beat a BJ.”

Sloppy Seconds

loserdomi on Short Term Memory, It’s a Funny thing, Huh?

“@justin: he also told me he will soon be sporting a jaunty cap and that he shall kick up his heels in anticipation of gentelmen’s fisticuffs upon a frozen plane.”

Bronze Mullet

k.w. on A Handy Guide for Beginners: Attending a Hockey Game

“Puck Bunnies have no interest in me??? I beg to differ. Also, why wouldn’t I sexually harrass them just a little bit? They’re fucking Puck Bunnies after all! Am I wrong here?”

Honorable Mention

blackcapricorn on 2007-08 Preseason Foreplay: Nashville Predators

“The dancers look easier.”

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