Impressive Linguistic Talents — October 22nd

After a much needed weekend off, here are the best comments in the week that was.

The Golden Ticket
rj on Jon Toews Will Destroy Your Life and Take No Prisoners in Doing So

Bill Wirtz feels he is overpaid and wants him to stop scoring. It’s too expensive to power that red lightbulb…

The Medal for Being So Close, Yet So Far
casualhockey on Jonesy, Put Your Head Down and Write

Wow, look at the size of his head. Fucking huge. Keith “Cartoon Head” Jones. Jeezus.

Bronze; Hey, it’s better than nothing.
gwyshynski on Gary Bettman’s Hit List

Would you expect anything else from a middle-manager with zero people skills who finds himself in the captain’s chair of a rudderless vessel?

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