In Appreciation Of… James Posey

james posey

We are spending some time looking back over the Boston Celtics championship season… in an effort to truly appreciate the efforts of those involved. In our eight installment of our series, we continue our appreciation of the players.


Today may be the last day James Posey is officially a member of the Boston Celtics.

Aside from any sentence involving the words "devastating injury" and any member of our Big 3… that is the scariest sentence for a Celtics fan to read right now. Quite honestly, the appreciation of James Posey could end right there, because that perfectly sums up how we feel about him. Losing him will be a major hit to our chances of celebrating Banner 18.

Now comes the good news.

The Celtics want him back. The fans want him back. And he, apparently, wants to be back. His agent has said many times over the past week that Posey loves it in Boston. He loves the situation. The loves the management. And he loves how the fans are very well aware that he's extremely important to our chances. When Danny Ainge signed Posey, the whole thing snapped into focus. Like one of those old magic eye posters, a clear picture suddenly emerged from the muck ("Oh look… it's a championship ring").

Posey is a do-it-all guy. When the Celtics were embarrassing the Lakers in Game 6, Posey became "The Mongoose," because he was the point-man in shutting down The Mamba. When the other team's big slasher was feeling his oats, it was Posey that took more charges than Visa. And When the Celtics were making their epic comeback in Game 4, it was Poz and Eddie House who were drilling back-breaking 3's. In fact, many of Posey's biggest 3's over the season were comeback-killers… 3's that killed momentum and made sure the Celtics maintained, or even extended, a lead.

James Posey is a classic Boston hero. He comes in, does his job, does it well, and leaves. As die-hard as we all are, do you know what his voice sounds like? If you turned on the radio mid-interview… would you know right away that it was Posey talking? Probably not… because he doesn't do much talking after games.

Nope, he just comes in and does the dirty work. And for that, James, we appreciate the job you've done in helping us achieve the ultimate goal… an NBA title.

(Getty Images Photo)


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