In Case You Missed It…

Caught up in the height of “Braxtapalooza” today, it was possible to have overlooked some stuff that was elsewheres on the interwebs.

  • Pac + SWC = Holy Cow. Rumors are now swirling that the Pac 10 is poised to make a run at the southernmost teams of the Big 12 in an effort to expand their influence and gain more television revenue.  The two, eight team conferences would be: Texas/aTm/TTU/OU/Ok State/Colorado/Arizona/ASU and UW/WSU/Oregon/Oregon State/Cal/Stanford/UCLA/USC. On paper, as a college football fan, this looks amazing. In reality, as a Big T1e1n fan, it would make me pretty frustrated that the leadership of the conference would look to expand and miss out on Texas, particularly if they settle on Rutgers or Pitt and Notre Dame remains independent. It will be interesting to see how the University Presidents feel, though- the Big T1e1n brings a lot to the table in terms of institutional research dollars.
  • The Uppance Is Forthcoming. Speaking of Southern Cal, don’t forget, tomorrow is “Does the NCAA have any spine?” day, as the response to the USC investigation is released.  Will the Trojans get the Abilene Christian treatment or the Oklahoma experience?  I’m betting on the latter, but more than willing to be wrong.
  • And we’re only getting started. Today’s big recruiting pick up may start an avalanche, according to insiders. Don’t be surprised if there are a number of other Buckeyes in the coming month or so.
  • Need a reason to get excited? Jeff starts a series over on Fox Sports previewing the season ahead. Yeah, it’s a long way off with a lot yet to happen, but it’s never too soon to get ready for the greatest sport invented. Plus, what else are you going to do… golf?
  • Thoughts and prayers. Finally, we join our hearts and minds today with the Wooden family, as coaching legend John has been hospitalized in “grave condition”. As someone who has been  impacted by Coach Wooden’s teaching and his “Pyramid of Success“, I can’t write enough about my life is different due to this man. His legacy will transcend the amazing work on the sidelines at UCLA, as he taught- there’s more to life than wins and losses. Should sound familiar to Buckeye fans.
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