In search of Jags fans…

As we noted, our posts will be few this week as we are living it up in Florida. Thanks for the great comments and stats posted by ya’all (hey, when in Rome…). Reader John wants you all to check out Michael Silver this week for more Brady/Manning blather.

Yesterday, we are eating dinner just out side of the ‘hole (re: Jacksonville), when a lady approaches me. “You aren’t a Colts fan are you?” What’s your first clue, ma’am, the hat or the Harrison shirt I’m wearing? Finally, my first showdown with a Jags fan, what fun will ensue?! Why yes, yes I am a Colts fan. “Boo!” She says, “I’m a Patriots fan!”

Siiiiigh, I’m looking for some hi-larious Jhole fandom, and I’ll I can find is more of the same Patriots crap. Oh well, welcome to Florida.

By the way, Phil B.’s blog yesterday about Manning dying is sort of hilarious. In the last week, I’ve seen stories on blogs about Marvin’s knee being blown out and Peyton being dead. Crap like that makes me ashamed to be a blogger (well, that and the sheer geekdom of it-says the man wearing a “Vader was Framed” shirt this morning). Seriously, people, I know it was a bye week, but let’s try to keep the insanity in check for a few days anyway. They’ll be playing again soon enough, I promise.

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