Interesting…Michigan AD press release?

University of Michigan’s Athletic Director Bill Martin spoke to the media yesterday.  That’s no big deal.  What he said was very interesting;

“There’s absolutely no question I’m totally supportive of Rich (Rodriquez),” Martin said Tuesday. “Was I surprised with the loss last Saturday? Sure I was, no question about it. But I think he’s the right man for this program at this time.

“You always have to, when you’re sitting in my seat, look at long term. You can’t look at instant gratification.”

Let me point out that OF COURSE Martin was going to say these things about his coach.  That’s what ADs do.  And there is no way on earth that Martin would fire RichRod at this point.

But ask yourself….why did Martin feel it necessary to even speak the words?  What kind of behind-the-scenes action is taking place that made a “vote of confidence” speech necessary?

I have no idea, but I’m enjoying the drama.

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