Interviews and Features: ESPN’s Chris Broussard Reaches Out To Young Men Seeking To Change Lives Through K.I.N.G.

Chris Broussard- Courtesy of Wade-O Radio
Chris Broussard- Courtesy of Wade-O Radio


CLEVELAND — Chris Broussard is best known for his career at ESPN as a NBA analyst. However, he has another career that many people probably don’t know about. Broussard founded a movement known as K.I.N.G. which stands for knowledge, inspiration, and nurture through God.

It is a non-denominational movement that stresses the importance of upholding biblical standards.

During the advent of Broussard’s career as a reporter for The Plain Dealer, he felt something was missing. He had everything else he wanted but it wasn’t enough. He wondered why he wasn’t happy despite everything was going so well for him. Broussard sought a personal relationship with God.

The movement’s goal is to change the lives of young men so they can become role models in their communities as well as good examples of how to be husbands and fathers. The meeting was one of deep emotion. Members and visitors alike shared their stories of their dark pasts and how K.I.N.G. changed their lives. It is a non-judgmental environment that is designed to radically transform lives.

Those who are of broken spirit can attend meetings at this group and find that they are not alone in trying to become a better person.

One of the main beliefs of the group is that many of the social problems plaguing the United States such as the rising divorce rates, teenage pregnancy, and abuse of drugs are a result of a lack of a personal relationship with God.

Instead of reciting a congregational confession, K.I.N.G. allows people to share their stories. People can feel confident that matter hat they’ve done, they can talk about their personal errors openly and get the support and comfort they need. This gives them a chance to “square away” what they’ve done so they can truly move on and focus on being better people. Some of the stories people share truly hit home and make you think about the negatives of the human condition and how it can change.

The group also has the impact of influencing people to engage in deep self evaluation and reflection. People who attend will start to question their past actions and do everything they can to earn from what they’ve done.

One challenge that was shared from a visitor involved being around people of negative influence. A harsh environment can change a person for the worse.  Changing a life requires the knowledge that there are good people around you that are going to be there for you and walk with you. Fellowship is stressed at K.I.N.G. as it is an important part of changing.



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