Introducing the Monkey With a Halo Fantasy Baseball League

The start of Spring Training doesn’t just mean the beginning of the baseball season.  It also means the beginning of the fantasy baseball season!

Some of you could probably care less about fantasy baseball, which makes me wonder why you clicked on this post.  The rest of you are probably like me and can’t get enough of fantasy baseball (I’m already in five leagues, and counting).  That is why this year I’ve decided to start a league that Monkey With a Halo and all of its readers can call their own.

It is a league just like any other, so anyone of any knowledge level is welcome to join (though there is a 20-team maximum).  It is a standard head-to-head 5×5 league with all the normal categories.  But there is just one little wrinkle to make this league unique and special to readers of the MWAH blog: you have to have at least one Angel player on your roster at all times.

I have never done a league setup like that, so I don’t know how it will work, especially since it relies on the honor system, but I just can’t resist the idea of this league getting big enough that some poor sap gets stuck carrying Bobby Wilson on their roster all year long (as long as that sap isn’t me).  So, come join the league.  There won’t be a prize beyond bragging rights, but the draft will sure be fun when we get to mock the person who inexplicably drafts Vernon Wells in the second round.

Click here to join the league!Introducing the Monkey With a Halo Fantasy Baseball League

League ID# is 74687 and the password is mwahrules.  The draft is Sunday March 31st at 1 PM.


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