Introducing the Tampa Bay Blue Wings…er…Lightning!

Tampa Bay unveiled a new set of unis, today, that dropped the iconic sliver and black that had graced their threads since their inception. Beginning next year, they will be taking the ice in these unis:

Introducing the Tampa Bay Blue!

Not a bad set right? I am on board with the changes, even if the logo looks a wee bit like the Incredibles/The Flash. The uniforms have a distinct Red Wings feel to them with the basic stripe pattern. However, the change is good and I like the baseball feel to the road unis by including Tampa Bay above the bolt. They also have an awesome shoulder patch for these bad boys. For more pictures and info check out Icethetics.

I give a thumbs up to the Lightning for a job well done on the redesign. I understand that the new ownership group wanted to put their own stamp on the franchise. Lightning fans should be glad they didn’t take this route.

I will yearn for them to put the bolt back on the pants as they have had for years, just as I hope the Rangers bring back the Lady Liberty third jerseys.

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