Irish Blogger Gathering: So Much Big Picture


Welcome to the IBG on Subway Domer. We are inching closer to the end of the regular season, and Ryan Ritter (HLS), Frank Vitovich (UHND), Mike Coffey (NDNation), and Aaron Horvath (ND Official) are itching to know how this all comes together.

Let’s get this thing rolling…

Frank (UHND): As Everett Golson’s turnover woes continue, how short would your leash be with him if you were Brian Kelly?

I’m going to keep this quite simple. If I was Brian Kelly, I would go to midfield, whip out a giant dog leash, and light that fucker on fire. That’s how I feel about it. Everett Golson is our quarterback and our record would be worse than 7-3 without him. Time to ride or die.

Aaron (Official ND): After last week’s loss, many of us didn’t know quite what to say or do. First off, tell me what you did Sunday to get your mind off of the game and second, embed the music video of the song that best signifies how you felt Saturday night.

Honestly, my memories of Sunday are quite vague. I’ve had concussion issues over the past few weeks (since a few hours after ASU) and- wait… what was the question? Oh, okay- I don’t remember. I went to church, taught sunday school,and then came home to put up Christmas decorations. I felt legit.

Ryan (HLS): With Joe Schmidt injured, it appears that the piece that tied the defense together is missing. Who is your candidate to pick up that leadership role and serve as the glue to get this thing back together?

That’s a great question, because WHERE IN THE HELL IS THE LEADERSHIP? I want to say Jaylon Smith, but I just don’t think that’s happening. Mathias Farley is the best answer, but he’s not exactly out on the field all the time. Because of injuries and depth issues, this Irish defense is not just thin on the field, but they’re thin on leadership too. I have no concrete answer on who might fill that role, and we may not see on for the remainder of the season.

Mike (NDNation): It’s been a little meltdowney on the football side, so a question on a potentially happier topic – have you watched any of the men’s basketball games this season so far?  If so, allowing for the quality of opposition faced, what’s your evaluation on what you’ve seen and what are your expectations for the season?

Uhh… no, I haven’t watched a game yet. That’s actually quite normal for me, as December is when I start watching college basketball. Still though, I do follow what’s going on a bit, and as far as I can tell, the Irish have a chance at a pretty good season with a NCAA tournament bid likely. What they actually do in that tourney is up for grabs. I’m looking for much better results in ACC play, and a little more respect heading their way.

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