Is It Football Season Yet?

Seriously? It’s already Week 4?! How can this be? I’ve only seen the Cougs play (in person) one time so far; and won’t see them again until they return for their Week 6 matchup with the Gun Devils (Dennis already has 1 recruiting class in the fold, it won’t be long before the crime rate jumps up by 25% in Tempe). With all due respect to Jim Sterk, absence does not make the heart grow fonder. With our ‘d’ (lower-case) it’s more like ‘outta sight; outta mind.”

Thanks for the intro, Brinkhater. I’m looking forward to contributing to the blog. I probably won’t spend a lot of time (over)analyzing our matchups but I will undoubtedly bitch and moan about any number of subjects pertaining to Cougar Football. I also promise to post at least once, completely snot-hanging drunk – that might be fun, don’cha think?

I’d write a quick re-cap of my observations at the Idaho game but I couldn’t see the field from my new seats in the family section. What the hell was I thinking?! I gave up two seats (conveniently not enough seats to take the wife AND the kids to the game) five rows from the field on the 50 yard line – for four seats in the family section. So now, aside from the fact that I’m barely even IN the fucking stadium, I’ll spend all my time toting my little angels off to the bathroom and answering my wife’s inane questions. (“Why do the stripes on the football only go half-way around? Why do the Cougars wear red helmets sometimes and other times wear silver??) Shoot me now… Oh yeah, I can’t drink or swear either. Can you say “buyer’s remorse?”

You know how little kids think it’s fun to wrap their arms around your leg and have you walk around while they’re attached to you? I bet we could sneak Kensok onto the field by riding Ropati’s leg into the huddle. Or maybe he could be neatly tucked under Ahmu’s gut. Either way, 12 (OK, 11.5) players on ‘d’ might be the only chance we have to beat USC. It’s gonna be ugly, Cougs. Drink up.

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