Is It Something We Said?

The folks at Waiting For Next Year posed a question to Cavs fans:  will you be rooting for the Celtics… the team that just beat you?  Or will you be rooting for Detroit… your hated rival?

Kevin Says:
ANYONE but Boston… I don’t hate the Pistons or Detroit nearly as much!

I don't think they like us.

RockKing Says

I’m 1000000% rooting for Detroit. Frankly, I’ve seen Detroit win a title recently, and so I could handle them winning another. The last thing I want to see it Boston celebrating another Championship. Call me a sore loser or whatever, I don’t care. That city has won 5 championships in the last 10 years, so they don’t need another one.

Yeah… but it would be nice.

mendy Says:
when it comes down to 2 teams i hate i go with the fans. as in, “who’s fans do i hate the most?” this is an easy one.

i can’t watch boston win again. i just can’t do it. and i don’t even mind bill simmons. just look at this picture ( and tell me you want those people to be happy…again.

"Those people." 

I could go on… but you get the point.  Cleveland hates Boston… probably because we do things like constantly crush their dreams of emerging from mediocrity.  Or maybe its because we say things like that last sentence.

By the way… thanks to Waiting For Next Year for working with us in that series.  I really have no animosity towards Cleveland.  I actually like LeBron James.  I think his constant bitching is an NBA problem… not just his.  If whining got me to the line 20 times a game… I'd do it too. 

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