's Steve Aschburner has a speculative column on Kevin Garnett's future in which he cites a "friend of Garnett" who thinks the Celtics star is planning on retiring after the season:
Back to Boston? To another NBA team? Or home to stay, where he can glare at the kids who stray onto his lawn and talk trash once a week with the garbage men?
It is a decision — actually, a sequence of them — that hangs over the Hall of Fame-bound player, the Celtics and any other teams that might be interested in getting some KG for themselves. It's a situation about which Garnett isn't talking, of course, since he does so little of that these days once he steps off a court, his rapport with the media more cantankerous than ever.
But at least one league source who knows Garnett well thinks a proud, strong exit and, as they say in show biz, a chance to leave 'em wanting more might be his plan. "I think that's what we've been seeing in these playoffs," the friend of Garnett said. "The way he's been playing, it's like he wants to go out on his terms."
I hope this isn't true. I want KG back for another year. One more.
Photo by Nathaniel S. Butler/NBAE via Getty Images
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