It all begins and ends with links

Today has been kind of crazy. I found out we had a link on SI’s Extra Mustard today and was blown away to find out how much traffic gets funneled our way by stuff like that. Over at Victoria-Weather, the Weather Blog gets a link every now and then from USA Today, or the Chicago Sun-Times or something, and that’s nice, but nowhere near the publicity a link like this gave us. We got 11,000 hits today, which is awesome for us (I don’t know how other sites do, of course). For perspective, thats almost three times as many people as live in the town that this blog is named after.It all begins and ends with linksHey! Speaking of the town that this blog is named after, let’s look at some local news! For those new to the site, there is a local newspaper that I used to honestly pore over for any bit of news in the Victoria (Minnesota) area, but the writing was just so biased and poor, even by my standards, that I eventually started making fun of the paper. Now, I’ve never identified the paper (though if you were really interested in doing so, I’m sure you could) nor named the writer/editor, but I call her Celine Dion, because nobody likes her. So, let’s take a look at the April issue of this bastion of journalistic integrity.
The first thing I noticed was that the paper has added a new column (they haven’t figured out hyperlinking to stories or columns, so I can’t give you the blow by blow of what is actually being said here, but I can give you the name and the brief summary. It’s a weather column, written by a 14 year old “budding climatologist”. So, first off. Long time resident, actual meteorologist, has been known to write as well as use hyperlinks. This crazy cat can be found here or especially here. B) 14? Was part of the qualifications that they be a less skilled writer than you? Not saying that 14 year olds are necessarily bad writers, but I’ve heard from a lot of amateur climatologists lately that don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. Given your history, that’s probably another qualification.
Oh, hey, you know what? I figured out why I wasn’t asked to write. Never mind.
So, let’s move on to the letters to the ed– what happened to the link? And the scoop at the city hall? Are you kidding me? The links that were working are no longer? It’s a new age, Celine, let’s get with the times and hyperlink! You’re worse than my dog! Christ, you’re worse than Leitch!
Well, that’s all I’ve got today I guess. Be back tomorrow at 3ET-2CT for some hot hot liveblogging action.

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