It’s Official — We are Now a Two Headed Monster

It's Official -- We are Now a Two Headed Monster

While everyone around the NHL may be out celebrating the Gretzky trade, we’re celebrating an acquisition of our own today. In a little under two weeks on August 21st, this show will no longer be a one man band. Today I am proud to announce the most important, free agent signing in the history of BMR.

A familiar face to all of you, Ryan Henning from the Victoria Times will be joining us on a regular basis beginning on the 21st. Ryan will be filing reports from his parents’ basement in Minnesota every Thursday. We can only hope that he will also be unshaven and in only his underwear, so as to dutifully live up to the blogger stereotype.

Join me today in welcoming an addition to our staff of blogging overlords. Welcome aboard, Ryan! _uacct = “UA-1868762-1”; urchinTracker();

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