It’s Sunday

Yup. Sunday. Day when we’re supposed to do some work around the house, read the paper and watch some football. That’s never the formula for me, but I do try to get a few things done. Anyway, enough about me and time for some links.

Starting with Bob Raissman of the New York Daily News, he says he couldn’t believe his ears when Yankees radio broadcaster John Sterling actually questioned a move by manager Joe Torre.

The New York Post’s Phil Mushnick says Sterling’s on-air partner Suzyn Waldman is fair game for criticism despite what she thinks.

Newsday’s Neil Best profiles Cleveland Indians Director of Baseball Operations Mike Chernoff, who’s the Operations Manager at WFAN. Intersting connection, eh? In his blog, Best writes that Chernoff stayed up late to see his team beat the Red Sox last night (as did I). And he writes one thing that Chernoff is especially skilled is math. Neil, why don’t you sign Chernoff to be your client?

Phil Swann in his site says ESPNews will launch a hi-def channel next year.

The Toledo Blade has a story on former Cleveland Cavs’ TV voice Michael Reghi who manages to keep himself busy these days.

The Lawrence (KS) Journal-World & News reports ESPN has finally set a time for this Saturday’s Kansas-Colorado game.

Craig Dolch of the Palm Beach Post likes the switch of The Masters to ESPN.

The Athens (GA) Banner-Herald’s Roger Clarkson says Georgia-Florida could be kicking off at an early time on October 27 for the first time since CBS got the SEC contract in 1996.

Blake Jackson of the Oklahoman got to spend sometime with ESPN College Gameday’s Lee Corso.

Kevin Kaduk of the Northwest (IL) Herald says he can’t stand the long TV timeouts whenever he watches a Notre Dame football game.

One question to my loyal readers, can Jillian Barberie-Reynolds show any more cleavage than she did today on Fox NFL Sunday? I’m not complaining, but if her dress was any lower, her boobs would have fallen out. Ok, back to the links.

Frontier Airlines passengers might be able to watch the National League Championship Series and if the Colorado Rockies make it, the World Series.

Those are your links for now. Coming up today, Videos of the Week which will have some Schoolhouse Rock videos, posts on TBS Hot Corner and maybe a Sunday night update. Keep it here.

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