It’s Tebow Time in Philadelphia


Well, Tim Tebow was in town for a short workout for Eagles coaches about a month ago, now he’ll be in town for several workouts with Eagles coaches.  According to multiple reports, Tim Tebow will officially be a Philadelphia Eagle come Monday.  As a Tim Tebow fan, I love this signing because I truly believe there was no reason for him to be out of the NFL.  As an Eagles fan, I think this is a nice signing because it’s virtually no risk, yet it could pay some small dividends for the Eagles.  I outlined why I thought the Eagles were working out Tim Tebow in my previous article and I believe these are the reasons he signed (see article link below).

The thing I love most about us as Philadelphia sports fans, is that we’re passionate and intense about every little thing, however, sometimes we go a little overboard.  To all of you on social media clamoring that Tebow will be starting for the Eagles, relax, he won’t be.  To all of you who are calling for Chip Kelly’s head and cursing the signing, relax, this is a minor signing.  Yes, we all know that ESPN and sports radio will cover this story until we’re all nauseas, but here are a few things to keep an eye on.

1. Tebow Jersey Sales

Well, if you’re one of the five people in the Tri-State area that actually believe Dave Spadaro when he says that the Eagles don’t sell jerseys for players on 1 year deals, Tebow jerseys shouldn’t even go on sale.  So this puts the Eagles in a curious position, do they pass up the opportunity to sell a boatload of Tebow jerseys?  It’ll be tough to explain how the 4th QB on the depth chart has a jersey being sold when the “starter” of the team isn’t having his jersey sold.  Many think Bradford jerseys aren’t for sale because he’ll never play a down here, stay tuned on this one.

2. Will Tebow Make the Team

It was a big story when Tebow was up in New England, but he ended up not even making the team.  It’s going to be interesting because all signs here point to Matt Barkley being on the way out, but you never know with Chip Kelly at the helm.  At this rate, you’ve got 4 quarterbacks vying for a spot on the roster, not to mention the looming possibility of Marcus Mariota.

3. In What Capacity is Tebow Used

If Tebow makes the team as a 3rd string quarterback, most teams don’t dress their 3rd quarterback and have him as an “emergency QB”, that means you don’t use a roster spot for him.   However, I think Chip wants to be able to use Tebow in short yardage situations and have a package of plays that he feels comfortable rolling Tebow out for.  At this point, you’d have to assume Bradford starts and Sanchez backs him up, but what does that mean for Tebow?

4. How Will Tebow Be Received (Home/Road)

Will fans be lining up for his autograph at camp, or will he be treated like a 4th string quarterback?  When he inevitably gets into a preseason game, will he be cheered or booed?  I think most Philadelphia fans will cheer him, but if it’s on the road, it could be a different story.

5. How Will Chip Kelly Handle This With The Media 

Chip doesn’t like to answer the same question worded 16 different ways by the media, so I can’t imagine he’ll have much patience for the plethora of Tebow questions.  Chip will be asked about this before camp, during camp, during pre season, and certainly during the season.  Something tells me Chip is going to provide us with some great sound bytes when it comes to Tebow questions.

This has been an awfully exciting offseason for Eagles fans and it just seems to keep getting crazier.  I’m thrilled that the Eagles made this move because I don’t see how having Tim Tebow on your team can hurt you if he’s brought there in the right capacity.  Tebow-Mania should keep us all occupied for the next 10 days leading up to the NFL Draft where Tim’s name will be substituted out for Mr. Mariota.  Let’s just hope the season has as much excitement and intrigue as the offseason has!

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