Jackie Butler Is So Fat…. Part 4

Here it is, Part Four of the popular Jackie Butler fat jokes.
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Jackie Butler is so fat, when asked about the failed trade to Philadelphia, he said “MMMMMMMMMM Philly Cheese Steaks”.
Jackie Butler is so fat, Pop has a play designed for Butler called one up, it involves Duncan setting a pick and handing off a jelly donut to Manu to go strong to the rim in order to motivate Butler into rebounding.
Jackie Butler is so fat, when the Spurs went to Japan to play team Japan in an exhibition game, the people yelled “godzilla” when Butler was introduced.
Jackie Butler is so fat, the Spurs front office is considering moving to the Spurs back to the Alamo Dome to give Butler some more minutes on the floor.
Jackie Butler is so fat, he chose to go to Coastal Christian Academy on Virginia Beach bc he needed somewhere to wash his clothes.
Jackie Butler is so fat, the Spurs never give him the ball in the low post because his gut extends over the half-court and will be called for over and back everytime.

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