Now, I am making the assumption that this is a brother, because he is between the two people I assume to be Jake Guentzel’s parents. He really doesn’t seem to portray any of the traits of the two around him. Mom is happy, but Dad acts like this is just another day. Do you want proof? Guentzel scores again, and Dad almost missed it because he was getting a beer!
[protected-iframe id=”0e1d5909a97a17f3f1f6385e9f9c3310-114320562-33894797″ info=”https://www.nhl.com/penguins/video/embed/guentzels-second-of-the-night/t-277437428/c-46592503?autostart=false” width=”540″ height=”360″]
Thank goodness he was back in time to see it! Or at least the celebration for it. He’s ready to cheer too, but let him take a drink first.
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