I’m not going to bore you with everything I did and said at Blogs with Balls 2.0 in Las Vegas… partly because the alcohol has conspired to erase a lot of those memories. And partly because I don’t want to turn this blog into some kind of Anthony Bourdain travel excursion space. If you really care, you can go to my twitter page and see what I said. Or you can search #bwblv on Twitter and see what all the participants were saying.
I spoke on a panel. This guy did a pretty good job of summing it up. Captain Morgan was a pervasive presence, both in our drinks and in our faces. And I met a ton of people that will make this a better site.
So while I loved the excuse to get out to Vegas, this trip really was about you… the readers. In the coming months, we hope some of these meetings manifest themselves in cool new features and guests. We have some things in the works now and we’re hoping to bring them to you either by the beginning of the Celtics season… or shortly after they begin.
Jalen Rose, I hope, is part of that equation. We had a good conversation when his panel was done about why he thinks Orlando will come out of the East, why I’m wrong about Vince Carter, and the two things he’s afraid of most when it comes to the Celtics. I’ll share those later… but we hope to do more work with Jalen down the road and have begun laying that ground work.
I’m telling you all this because I need your help too. As we try new things, we need to know if they work. Feedback is crucial. One question that came up during BwB was “who is your editor?” The answer is: The reader. So when we roll out new features… we want to know what you think. Do they work? Do they have potential?
We say it all the time: Red’s Army is not about us… it’s about you. Without you, we’re just two douches blathering on about basketball. With you, we’re community of C’s fans having fun. We hope this becomes a better space for that as the site continues to evolve.
Take Jalen’s word for it… This is where it’s at (Audio file – watch your speaker volume)
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