Via National Post (h/t Chris Forsberg):
Only this time, he knows just getting it under control is part of the battle. The rest is keeping it under control.
“You get there (down to 260) and you stop,” he said. “For me, I can’t have an off day. DeMarre Carroll can have an off day. DeMar DeRozan can have an off day. Jared Sullinger can’t. It’s going to be a battle. I have learned how to manage it and I’m getting better at it every day.”
Sullinger is never going to have one of those professional athlete, rock-hard bodies. He knows he didn’t win the metabolism lottery when he was born.
“I got the other end of that stick for sure,”he said. “I definitely did. I can’t just come out here and eat whatever I want. There are guys who can eat, not work out and still lose weight. I am not that guy. Every day is going to be a battle. Every day I have to do something, whether it’s just getting up and walking around. Just anything to burn calories and keep the weight off.”
I realize that weight and metabolism aren’t always about how hard you work. Genetics plays a big part.
But… it seems to me that Jared Sullinger likes to make excuses for himself. And I’m not going to have much sympathy for a man whose job involves staying in shape. There are plenty of average joes who hit the gym after working 8-10 hours a day.
This also comes as no surprise because the ex always drops weight after the break-up.
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