Jeff Bailey Up, Pauley Back Down

Jeff Bailey Up, Pauley Back DownJeff Bailey was called up from the PawSox tonight to give the Sox a backup for Youk and Casey. If Youk needs a break Lowrie can play third and Cora can go to short, if Casey needs a break Bailey can come in at first. Bailey is also a good bat to have on the bench for pinch hit situations late in the game (like when Tek comes up.)

David Pauley was called up in case the Sox needed some relief help tonight after the long outings for most of the pen last night. Since he was sent down today that leaves Buchholz in the rotation. I think Theo and Tito were hoping that Zink could stay longer and take a spot in the rotation with Byrd, but after last night they have decided to stick with Buchholz (this guy has had more chances than Steve Howe.) Who knows what will happen if Clay has another train wreck on the mound, which at this point seems likely.

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