Jerseygate – Alfie Dons Centurion One Last Time?


I guess this is supposed to qualify as news, but Daniel Alfredsson apparently skated today wearing one of his old Senators-issued practice jerseys.

After what can only be described as a tumultuous four weeks from a public relations standpoint, you can understand why today’s event may stick in the craw of fans who can’t seem to come to terms with the fact that Alfie has moved on.

But, for those of you fans, look at the bright side, you may not be alone. Maybe Alfie hasn’t come to terms with it either!

Okay, so he probably has, but that won’t stop fans from questioning Alfie’s intent or his obliviousness to the consequences of wearing some Sens swag post-July 5th.

I can’t say with any certainty when the Red Wings would issue Alfie gear prior to the start of training camp, but it’s unquestionably a poor decision on Alfie’s part; especially since he seemingly had won the PR battle in the aftermath of last Thursday’s press conference at the Royal Ottawa Hospital.

He’s either trolling the Senators organization by sending a message, or he simply didn’t care because it was an informal skate during the offseason with some former colleagues. Sure, I suppose it could have been worse. He could have simply worn a Leafs jersey; Although the biggest loser in all this is could be Chris Phillips – who couldn't convince Alfie to sport a Big Rig jersey and take  advantage of some free publicity.

But if you're one of those people looking for the positive here, we did get to see Alfie don the centurion one last time. Following the events July 5th, who could have imagined that?

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