Jeter Stands Behind Pettitte and Clemens. Hasn’t He Always?

Jeter Stands Behind Pettitte and Clemens. Hasn't He Always?Here’s a shocker. is reporting that Yankee-boy Jeter is defending Andy Pettitte:

“Andy knows how I feel about him, and he knows how we feel about him as an organization,” Jeter said. “It took a lot of courage for him to come out and be honest about it. Hopefully he can move on.”

Courage? What’s courageous about waiting until he gets named in the Mitchell Report before coming clean?

Then Jeter defends Clemens. He said, “…people are rushing to judgment. I think you have to let it play out a little bit before you make the decision on whether he’s guilty or not.”

Of course Jeter is defending Clemens. If you believe Clemens is guilty, like most thinking Americans, the Mitchell Report, and the person who injected him with PED’s do, then there is a big asterisk on many of the Yankees recent years.

Just what you’d expect from the Evil Empire.

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