Joba Chamberlain

I was extremely surprised to see Joba Chamberlain in the house tonight. After his despicable 4th throw AT Youk, and knowing the passion of Red Sox fans in Boston, I was sure he would have come down with a mysterious flu tonight.
After firing fastballs with precision all night long, OOPS! he throws one at Youk’s head again! This is the 4th time he has thrown at the same man. Now I recall Schilling losing control for one pitch last year (the exact game escapes me at the moment), but it was only one time, and not at the batter’s head. Chamberlain should be fined and suspended. Substantially. Extremely. Now.
Girardi would be wise to make sure his rotation is set for him not to pitch the next time the Skankees and Sox meet up. Otherwise, I would not be surprised Youk’s bat ‘accidentally’ slip out of his hands. I also wouldn’t be surprised if he has a ripe maple bat was in his hands when he comes to the plate.
Chamberlain is a loose cannon. Heckle and Jeckle (aka the dumbass brothers) had better rein him in now. I hope Theo has been burning Selig’s voice mail up.
Chamberlain is an absolute disgrace to the game.
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