Joey Crawford Ejected. . .

Joey Crawford ejected the Earth for spinning too much on its axis because he doesn’t have any hair to let it blow in the wind.
Joey Crawford ejected the E=mc2 formula because it was too complex for him to handle.
Joey Crawford ejected himself because he laughed at himself last week.
Joey Crawford ejected the Coyote for causing too much fun for the fans in the AT&T Center.
Joey Crawford ejected the playoffs for casuing him to run up and down the court for an additional 2 months.
Joey Crawford ejected Pluto from our solar system.
Joey Crawford went to the comedy club last week. Everyone was ejected.
One time, Joey Crawford ate some nachos at the AT&T Center and ejected the jalapeños for being too hot.
Joey Crawford ejected the internet for hosting this blog.
Be forewarned, if you’re reading this and laughing, you’re just asking to be ejected.

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