John Rocker Gets the Boot, Goes Off on Obama


Welp…that didn’t last long.

After finding an immunity idol during last week’s show and virtually guaranteeing himself (and us!) another week, John Rocker was on the losing end of a tribal council vote this week on “Survivor: San Juan del Sur”.

But not before he went full on Rocker.

The former big leaguer who, in a 1999 Sports Illustrated interview, said some unflattering things about women, homosexuals and minorities, seemed to (almost) have his stuff together last week.  But, even after catching fish for his tribe, was outed as being, well, the former big leaguer who, in a 1999 Sports Illustrated interview, said some unflattering things about women, homosexuals and minorities.

And then he threatened to knock a girl’s teeth out. I mean, only if she “were a man” of course. I mean, dude’s not a COMPLETE monster.

Anyway, in the end, with a free pass to three more days in the game…Rocker was sent packing and, back in the real world, dude’s Jeff Probst-imposed online silence (not so) coincidentally came to an end.

Which brings me to this.

When Rocker isn’t setting up shop on the sidewalk trying to peddle “Speak English” shirts to whoever will listen to his nonsense, he’s a featured columnist for the conservative website World Net Daily writing up commentaries for whoever will read his nonsense. And as his first act as a past contestant on the hit CBS show…he blasted the president, basically blaming him for the Ebola virus hitting U.S. soil.

“Oh, and the madness of a president who isn’t considering a travel ban from those countries most affected by the Ebola virus, when such a ban would help ensure that no one else carrying the virus makes it to America,” Rocker writes.

“The mere fact Americans are now potentially exposed to Ebola, a disease indigenous to Africa, is a reminder that not one American should ‘feel good’ about Obama administration measures ‘already in place’ to protect us,” Rocker continued. “The first American to contract Ebola, courtesy of a Liberian, will give proof to the lie of the Obama administration that the measures in place have failed.”

I already miss TV’s “Johnny Rock”. How can we get him back?

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