Jordan Staal’s Mug

Jordan Staal's Mug
Since we’re on the topic on sports and mug shots, here’s underage drinker Jordan Staal’s booking photo from his wild bachelor party experience in…Minnesota?

According to a Cook County Sheriff’s Office news release, that office began receiving complaints of “screaming, yelling and playing loud music” around 12:30 a.m. because of the party at the Lutsen Resort and Sea Villas. Sheriff’s deputies issued multiple warnings to be quiet, under threat the group of about 20 might be “removed from the property, issued citations, arrested and/or deported from the country.”

Had Jordan Staal been deported, I would’ve lost it. That would be tooo funny, being deported for a bachelor party. That would be a bragging point.

Apparently, Jordan and his broter, Eric, were sleeping while the party was still going on. They were all kicked out around 3 A.M.

The group then began “harassing passing motorists,” and were promptly arrested. Several dudes fled into the woods. Jordan Staal didn’t

He was released shortly after booking. His brother Eric, the bachelor in question, was held overnight.

Never a dull moment with those crazy Canadians.

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