Jose Canseco Continues Twitter Feud with Shaq

Hey…remember that whole thing about Shaquille O'Neal wanting to fight Jose Canseco?  Then, Canseco accepting the challenge only to have the NBA legend seemingly back out?

Well, Canseco hasn't.

Sunday night, the 1988 American League MVP-turned New York Time bestseller was back on the Twitters, explaining why he wanted to fight Shaq and, in the meantime, giving a certain website a nice little shout out.

Jose Canseco Continues Twitter Feud with Shaq

So, after no response from Shaq (or Dana White for that matter), the embattled slugger started banging the social medias again on Monday.  But this time, he sought out an unlikely ally.

Jose Canseco Continues Twitter Feud with Shaq

Okay.  Now, I've never thought about it, but if I was to sit down and make a list of people that I would want to sit in a room and just little to the back and forth…Jose Canseco and Mr. T would, more than likely, make the top ten.  Thank God for Twitter.

Jose Canseco Continues Twitter Feud with Shaq

Alright, guys, since we're bros and all (not really, but I can dream, right?), is there any chance I can join the two of you in Las Vegas?  I'll spring for the buffet.  Promise.

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