Josh Beckett: The Next Star?

Seven innings, six hits, one earned run, one walk, nine strikeouts.
4-0 on the postseason.
Heck, he was so good last night it raised his cumulative postseason ERA. It was at 1.17 entering last night, and last night’s ERA was 1.29… so it will jump to probably around 1.20.
That’s a good pitcher.
Does anyone else think that Beckett’s postseason is showing a maturation into a big-game pitcher?
I know we’re a little blinded by Beckett love lately, but I’m wondering what’s going to happen next year, when all is said and done. Will Beckett put up an identical season to this year, with an ERA of 3.29 and 20-7 record … or are bigger and better things on their way? A sub-3.00 ERA, perhaps?
Has he taken the next step this postseason?
Granted, each game may be your last and you’re going with everything you’ve got in the postseason — but he was not this stellar in any stretch of the 2007 season. I have to think he’ll be rolling on some of these stretches next year.
Shawn Medeiros will check in around early afternoon with a combined game recap of last night and a preview of tonight’s game. Check back later today!

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