Kärpät Oulu Signs Turris

Kärpät Oulu Signs Turris

17 days after we speculated Turris may have trouble attracting offers from European clubs…comes this news:

//platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsI know literally nothing about Kärpät Oulu (edit: since learned they are five-time league champions, with four of those titles coming in the last decade, prettay good) but the Finnish league is a solid level of competition, and there are certainly lesser situations he could have settled for (sorry EHC Wolfsburg Grizzly Adams). A quick scan of the roster shows they have two locked out NHLers in Jussi Jokinen and Jason Demers on the team at present.

After being used sparingly in Phoenix, and followed by a contract dispute which cost him games last year; the most important thing for Turris and his development is that he play minutes – the more the better. Hopefully Kärpät can give him ample opportunity on the powerplay, something he really hasn't been afforded in the NHL. No word on whether he'll be adjusting his goal total proclamation for the SM-Liga.

Also, Oulu's munipical coat of arms is superb.

Kärpät Oulu Signs Turris

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