KAHN Exercises Questionable Contract Extensions

Per Jerry Zgoda from the Star Tribune:

In a last bit of bookkeeping before Friday’s expected NBA player lockout…

The Wolves today exercised the fourth-year contract option for Wayne Ellington and third-year options for Wes Johnson and Lazar Hayward for the 2012-13 season.

Wes will make $4.2 million that season, Ellington $2.1 million and Hayward $1.2 million.

Picking up Wes’ option by Thursday’s league deadlline was an obvious move?

But why Ellington and Hayward on a roster that’s getting mighty crowded?

Well, remember: The options are for the 2012-13 season. They’re already committed to all three players for this next season, whenever (or if) that might be.

And also remember that the roster today — already at the 15 man limit when they sign Derrick Williams and Malcolm Lee — is not what it’s going to look like when a new labor agreement is reached and teams hustle to get ready for the season.


I cannot state enough how horrible two of these moves are by Kahn. Paying Ellington and Major Lazer $3.3 million TWO years from now is unexplainable. Hayward should never play. Ever. So you want to sign him so that he can be traded in a deal later?!? Or what?  Because I don’t get it. How about just don’t sign him in the first place, and keep the raw cap space!

Ellington most likely has the worst overall stats across the board for anyone that played over 1,000 minutes last season:

PER: Wayne was ranked #252 out of 255 eligible players with 1,000+ minutes played.
Wayne was ranked #214 out of 255 players.
Win Shares per 48 Minutes:
Wayne was ranked #250 out of 255 players.

His only redeeming quality is that he shoots 3’s at an ok rate (but nothing special, especially for $2+ million dollars), and brings nothing defensively. He is NOT a player that should be on the court for us, ever. Especially not with all the other young guys we’ve got that need legitimate minutes.  Nearly any stud D-Leaguer or minimum salaried FA SG signing would replace and/or surpass his “production.” This was a total failure extension by Kahn, and there is no sugar-coating it.  I can’t get over this.

Wes Johnson, yes… extend him. But there is NO sense in signing those other two guys pre-lockout!

This is yet another example of Kahn failing to properly evaluate talent. There’s simply no reason these extensions should have been given now, TWO years in advance. They could have been done later after the lockout/new CBA.  Or if Kahn really, really, really loved the smiles that these players possess, he could have let their contracts expire and then re-signed them later as free agents for minimum salaries.  They must try really hard in practice, or something.

Speaking of which, we don’t even know what the new CBA/Salary Cap rules will be yet. And he goes and gives two players that should never play three and a half million dollars. If there is a hard cap, every single dollar will count. And every single dollar that we are below the cap will give us an advantage over the rest of the competition… namely when it comes to signing prime free agents.

These extensions for two(!) DNP-caliber players is just simply mind-boggling.

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