Kahn Fined $50,000 for Michael Beasley Reefer Comments

Kahn is starting to become more and more classic as the days go by. The whipping boy of the NBA. I find it all hilarious and dare I admit it: fantastic. Stop whining about the guy “shutting up” or “keeping his mouth shut.” This is the stuff of comedy legends. Just remember one thing: this is sports and entertainment, not filing your annual tax return. Let’s all stop taking this stuff so seriously.

Have a good weekend all and Say No to Drugs.

On to the news of the fine:

NEW YORK (AP) -The NBA has fined Minnesota Timberwolves president David Kahn $50,000 for his comments about forward Michael Beasley’s marijuana use.

The league also fined the Timberwolves organization $50,000 Friday for what it called inappropriate comments.

In an interview with a local ESPN Radio affiliate, Kahn called the recently acquired Beasley “a very young and immature kid who smoked too much marijuana” while he was playing in Miami.


I also want to take this opportunity to emphasize the below quote from the ESPN 1500 interview.

“He has developed a really good support system around him this past season in Miami,” Kahn told 1500 ESPN Twin Cities. “He has hired people to help him grow up. He is growing up — he’s not grown up. He’s 21 … and if you think back, as I do all the time, to when I was 21, and if you had given me this kind of money and put me in this kind of world with these kinds of pressures attached to it and some of the demands, I don’t know how well I would have handled it, any easier than, say, he has.”

“I think that if Michael was 25 or 26, maybe I would have felt differently,” Kahn said. “Some of these kids simply deserve the opportunity to make mistakes and grow up.”

In Kahn’s defense, that is a very well put, articulate and sensible thing to say as follow up to the much talked about pot comments. Of course, this will never be talked about nor published, nor ranted about on sister sites. Give the guy a break. And again, have a good weekend and never take life too seriously.

Warmest Regards,


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