Karl Ravech takes a shot at the Sox

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the curse of ESPN’s John Kruk that he cast on the yankees last September in Cleveland in a Baseball Tonight commercial. (Remember the flies?)
Well, Karl Ravech takes a shot this past week at Curt Schilling and his ankle surgery in 2004. In the commercial, Schilling empties some sand out of his sock. Ravech, eating fries, ‘accidentally’ drops a catsup packet which lands in the sock. “The ankle looked fine to me’, Ravech says.
I find it somewhat interesting that after the yankees get their turn at the ESPN marketing whipping post, they drag up an incident from almost 4 years ago to take a shot at the Sox. I can hear the phone call in my head that ol’ dumbass Hank could have made to ESPN demanding equal time. I mean, if the man has the cajones to threaten a member of the mob over a t-shirt…

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