KC Sportswriter Mistakes Interest in Sox for Interest in Royals

KC Sportswriter Mistakes Interest in Sox for Interest in RoyalsCarthage Press (Missouri) columnist Cody Thorn posted his column under the headline, “Are fans getting interested in the Royals?”

It only takes a second of reading his column to answer his question. No. Fans are staying interested in the Red Sox. The increased attendance in KC is based on a large number of Sox fans turning up in the heartland to cheer for the Sox.

Mr. Thorn, let me introduce you to Red Sox Nation. Thorn goes on to call Kauffman Stadium “Fenway West.” Sorry, Mr. Thorn, that name’s taken. “How about Fenway in the Heartland.”

Mr. Thorn (pictured to the right) also has a long way to go to catch up with Youk in the beard growing arena.

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