Keith Law Chat: Brewer Items

Keith Law held his weekly chat on this afternoon, and there turned out to be a fair amount of Brewer-related content. Alcides Escobar and Mark Mulder were a couple players that were mentioned.

Steve (Chicago): A. Escobar Or S. Castro
Klaw (1:55 PM): Castro.


Brian (Madison): Not liking Escobar’s bat?
Klaw (1:57 PM): He doesn’t walk and isn’t going to hit for power. Castro’s bat is special.

He’s definitely not the first scout to say something to that effect, and we’ve known for awhile that Esco’s lack of patience is a concern and he’ll be lucky to hit more than a few homers a year. Hard to argue this point, even if Castro is entering his age 20 season and seems to be a year or two away from the majors.

Paul (Richfield WI): Do you think Mulder can contribute at a big-league level in 2010?
Klaw (2:01 PM): No.

Short and to the point, and again, hard to disagree with. While it would be great to see the Brewers take a chance on Mulder and get rewarded for it, it doesn’t seem likely. Mulder hasn’t pitched in more than three games in a season since 2006, and hasn’t pitched well since 2005. He turns 32 this year. If the Brewers get anything out of him this season, it’ll probably be a sign that things are really going their way. It’ll be nice to get him under contract, but he (or Chris Capuano, or John Halama) should not be counted on to do much for the big league club.

If anything, they should keep looking for that fifth starter in the free agent market as long as asking prices continue to tumble. Hey, Doug Davis says he’s interested.

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