Ken Rosenthal is an ass. Manny’s OK by me (so far.)

Ken Rosenthal is an ass. Manny's OK by me (so far.)Ken Rosenthal is an ass. Manny's OK by me (so far.)Ken Rosenthal is an ass. That he opines for Fox is more proof of his mediocrity as a journalist or sportscaster. I’m sure the NY Daily Fish Wrap will snap him up once his tenure at Fox is over. This is not the first time I’ve read some of his garbage and said, ‘wtf?’

That article of his serves absolutely no purpose at all other than to stir up shit in Boston. (Is he from NY?) There is no new information in that article, there are no new revelations about what Manny said or what could happen to him. Nothing. Nada. Zippo. Zilch. Zito.

Rosenthal writes, “It’s mostly pointless to analyze the comments of a player who demonstrates the maturity and attention span of a 12-year-old.” So why is he even writing this?

As for having “the maturity and attention span of a 12-year-old”, we already know that Manny marches to the beat of a different drummer. Manny is oneKen Rosenthal is an ass. Manny's OK by me (so far.) of those guys, to quote Jimmy Buffett, who is “growing older, but not up.” I know. I’m also one of those guys. As for growing older, Manny is doing it, but at a much, much slower Ken Rosenthal is an ass. Manny's OK by me (so far.)pace than the rest of us, that’s for sure. Thirty-six is not that old anymore for a well-conditioned ball player. (At 36, I was still going on 30 mile, 2500′ elevation gain mountain bike rides, and skiing down double black diamonds at Tahoe. At 46, I was still playing drums in 6 hour jam sessions.) His work ethic and conditioning have been well documented. His production at the plate has been well documented. His performance on the field is much better than most realize. He is virtually guaranteed a spot in Cooperstown. Yes, he is a clown and a buffoon at times, but ask me if there is a stronger 3-4 combination in MLB. He’s had his transgressions, but he has also apologized and paid for them.
Ken Rosenthal is an ass. Manny's OK by me (so far.)Baseball fans all over the country love to dump on Manny, as they did to Barry, but I know their feelings would be much different if either had been clubbing all those taters at their team’s park.

As for his most recent comments that po’d John Henry, how about letting the dustKen Rosenthal is an ass. Manny's OK by me (so far.) settle so you can see exactly what is happening before starting to spew?

I read what Manny said, but I have not heard a recording of it. (Much can be lost or changed from spoken word to printed word.)

I think this could be another photo of Rosenthal when he was taking a break from writing that hit-piece.
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