KFAN interview with McCants

Sludge/KFAN had Rashad McCants in the studio on Friday night. For almost an hour, they talked about topics ranging from the team’s locker room chemistry to Mad Dog’s chemistry with the ladies.

To listen to the interview, click here.  Below are some of the subjects covered during their conversation.

On his mindset:
McCants says he feels as good as he’s ever felt mentally.

On Kevin Love:
Says he’s going to bring a lot of energy, he’s very savvy, and just knows what to do. He talked for a bit about how Love will complement Al Jefferson.

On his own role on the team:
“Put the ball in the hole.”

On his reputation:
Sludge talks about McCants’ reputation as being one where he can’t do anything on the court without someone saying, “there’s Rashad pouting again.”
McCants said that he plays the game with passion and determination and does whatever it takes to win. When he’s “frowning on the court” he says it’s often because he’s upset at his own personal mistakes.

On the Wolves waiving Chris Richard:
Said the player being cut was, for the team, “more like a tragedy” than anything else. He described Richard as being like family, that he was the voice and laughter of the locker room. He said he was someone who made everyone laugh all the time and someone who was here all summer and always came in and got his work done.

On the locker room atmosphere:
When asked if it was a tight knit team, Rashad responded in the affirmative.
He said the team has a common bond and that they’re comfortable around each other. In contrast to the KG era, there’s a lot of talking and joking in the locker room which makes everyone loose.

On his teammates and dating:
After bringing up Mark Madsen’s involvement with a recent Date For Life auction, Sludge wonders what Mad Dog is like on a date. Rashad says the team can sometimes hear him on the back of the bus talking on the phone to girls, giving his teammates a little preview of what he’s like on a date. McCants said Madsen “sounds like Casanova.” Smooth? “Very smooth.”

When asked who on the team has “the most game,” McCants’ response is Big Al. Says that while media and public may perceive him as more laid back. Al Jefferson is the “funniest person alive” and “loudest person alive” in addition to being “the smoothest talker.” He’s the man, McCants said.

NBA Coach he most wants to play for besides Wittman:
He chose Mike Brown in part because the coach has told him that he loves the way he plays and says that he could be a great defender.

On summer movies:
Says he saw “Eagle Eye” multiple times

On the season:
He claims it’ll be more exciting that last year: a lot more threes, the team will be playing good defense and sustaining leads. If they correct those things, he says, they can they can end up as the 3rd or 4th spot in the West (?!?!). When asked about that statement, the player did not back down.

McCants said they have a good chance of beating every good team. According to him, the team has a good starting five and good 3-4 guys on the bench. The other team’s second team can’t touch the Wolves second team, he said.

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